I have to say that I'm impressed with you guys. It amazes me how some of you can write such wonderful posts, with such devoted regularity. Seems like I have to percolate for awhile between writing sessions, before I can accumulate enough mental material to sit down and type out even just a few paragraphs. But I have found myself ruminating, not only about my next topic of discussion, but about the thoughts and issues and feelings and funny stories that I encounter daily in the diverse selection of blogs that I've become addicted to following. So. Thanks for the inspiration.
I don't know what key I pressed or what icon I clicked on, but for some reason my text keeps getting translated into Hindi. And it's coming out double spaced which is not my intention. Hmmm. What's the deal with that??
But anyway. I've been pondering this whole question of anonymity, as in, whether to share my outpourings with the people I'm close to, or just to send them out, unidentified, into the cyber sphere of unseen faces. My decision is not to solicit readers from my own circle, but not to deliberatly exclude anyone. So. If blogging comes up randomly in conversation, I will confess to my partcipation and reveal my location, if it doesn't, well, then I won't.
I think the possibility of revelation steers our expressions away from negative and potentially hurtful examinations of the flaws and the shortcomings and the percieved evils of the people who populate our lives; particulary those we are closest to. Admittedly, we all need to vent and family dysfunctions often make for good humor. They also provide our readers with the comforting realization that they aren't the only ones who feel alienated from those freaks of nature they will forever be related to. Of course, if you are distanced from said relatives, you probably won't be sharing your blog with them to begin with.
At any rate, although the preceeding description does not characterize my relationship to my family, and my parent's don't actually even own a computer, I still plan to avoid, for the most part, complaining about their frustrating, judgemental attitudes. I will always love them. Enough said. And I want these compostions of mine to remain, essentially, in the positive zone. When possible. Although I do reserve the right to complain about the randomly annoying people
who occasionally piss me off or simply amuse me with their idiocy. And I hope you will all continue to do the same because I've been finding it really entertaining.
And she's off to iron a shirt....
PS... an afterthought. In case it may have occured to you. I would of course never even consider using my blog as an outlet to express any displeasure or irritation with my beloved husband because he is, unequivocally, perfect in every way. Right, honey? (I notice that a lot of us seem to feel that way about our partners. Hmmm.)
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Even current anonymity doesn't exclude the possibility for future exposure, a fact that I try to keep in mind no matter who or what I am blogging about. I have also carefully labeled all my posts on family members, so if the day ever comes that my blog is discovered by a family member, then I will be able to go back and delete or revise any posts of a "sensitive" nature.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Husbands generally do not read the comments one leaves on other people's blogs... Just something to keep in mind. ;-)
I had to laugh, Pam. Nobody in my family blogs but me. They have do idea that I blog or talk about them, so far in a nice way if at all. But if I woke up one morning and felt the urge to tell a few tales, I'd probably go for it, but change the names. At my age, you just don't give a flying fork! LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh, and one of my daughters and her husband read each other's emails. (I told her she's NUTS---for giving HIM her email password---there has to be an element of trust somewhere, right)? It's been a total disaster for HER because HIS mother (he's an only child---read between the lines) emails him constantly whining about my perfect, beautiful, talented, hard-working baby girl, his wife. I don't think Mama-in-law knows about their having each other's passwords!!!!!
I told her to just ignore the woman, since apparently her hubby is doing the best he can with that psycho for a mother. Oops. I think HE's afraid to deal with her himself and just ignores his mother, hoping she will go away. I tell my daughter to chill out and not let it bother her. (Easier said than done, I know, because I had a psycho bitch M-I-L who should have been in on a mental ward---very long story, but she's 6 feet under now.)
It's a touchy subject, for sure. I say just follow your heart and don't ever blog while you're drinking good Tequila. Tee-Hee! The last time I got tanked on Tequila, I woke up naked on a bare floor in an empty house with a man that was not my husband....it was about 25 years ago and I've abstained from Tequila ever since. I just wish I could remember if we did the wild thang because he was very good looking.....(I bet you want me to blog about THAT, now don't you!!!) LOL!
I don't want most of the people I know to even accidentally stumble upon my blog! This is "MY" space to say how I'm feeling without diluting anything too much. I'm not trying to hide who I am from my fellow bloggers... just this little portion of me from almost everyone else in my life.
ReplyDeleteSee... I am in so many places online and I interact with a good number of people. This place here... well, it's the place where I'll least likely be found. I like not being found by everyone. :-)
It's funny that you wrote this because I was thinking of writing a similar blog in the near future. Great minds...
Thanks for the feedback ladies. It can sometimes be a slippery slope when you try to defend your privacy without having it interpreted as secrecy. This is where anonymity can sweep in and save the day. As long as you can maintain it. And it would be nice to adopt a who cares who sees it attitude but then you may have to answer to someone that you'd really rather not even deal with and that's when privacy is compromised.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway... (sigh) one can go on and on and get their brains in a tangle about it to no useful end.
So I think I'll just stick to my policy of benign reticence. Good enough.
Marion... I want to hear more about your tequila escapades you wild thing you!
Happy March to everyone!!
I have this pull back and forth between not wanting to "promote" myself to people I know and not wanting to "hide" it either. I tend to just say "Oh, yeah... I have one of those blog things." I have, therefore, let it be known, but they inevitably do not ask me for the url, so win-win!
ReplyDeleteI really don't have a problem with the 'my blog will be on the internet even after I croak' reality. There's nothing on my blog that I wouldn't say (or haven't already said) in my own home to my family...and the anonymity part doesn't really bother me either. It's so easy to find someone, no matter how careful you think you are, no one is really anonymous. Scary maybe, but that's the nature of this thing we visit on a daily basis... and seriously, if I ever come to MN, I want to visit your B&B....it's always been a dream/fantasy of mine to own one...but I've never stayed in one..lol